Report by: Musa Ibrahim Haule - Chairman
Generally let us praise our almight God as it is by his only GRACE that we were all able to perform our daily tasks.
Improving our lives is our daily song beach time we meet. Projects are being implemented and subprojects also established to make sure that our families and at least one in need are fulfilled. We had a very big work this year - established horticulture mini project for tomatoes and vegetables productions. No one had a previously experience but this time we had practically engaged in cooperation with our local farmers. It tooks about 4 to 5 months until final harvest of tomatoes.
Final harvest completed 28th October. Pest and weed control are the key areas for good harvest including watering and good seed.
BAKERY PROJECT - We had two months without operating as our previous location rented were in conflicts between government and villagers. July 24 project were shifted to Kilimahewa Str. from bus stand and production and sales returned into normal. We need to build our own bakery with catering outside as per our vision. Moving of the equipment can endanger it. We also can't expand business in such case.
March 2023, we had a visit from German African Assistance Schondorf represented by chairm Ludwig Gernhedt (Prof) who funded our bakery and pet recycling project.

Whole wheat bread were prepared and given to the visitors including snacks as part of thanks giving.
Cooperation with Afrikahilfe Franken
Catholic church - Lupingu Parish
September 13, team of two leaders from our friendship organisation Afrikahilfe Franken arrived Ludewa.
This German NGO funded our PET Recycling project - plastic is being recycled into coat hooks, wall tiles and hair combs. 

We had also a chance to visit Lupingu where a kindergarten is being operated by Catholic church - Lupingu Parish. A school is sponsored by Afrikahilfe franken by covering salaries for two teachers and one cook since 2022. Stationeries like pencils are also being paid by Ludewa Development Group.
We had a good cooperation with this school as it has been closed without operating for years due to lack of enough fund to operate a school. Fr. Crisantus Mlelwa a parish priest is hard working to ensure a school can't be closed again.
With our Bakery business - we sometimes support them by providing snacks and breads. Although twice or once a week would be enough, we only do it twice a year. Compliments like whole wheat flour, cooking oils, milk and fruits
PET RECYCLING PROJECT - with this project we collect discarded plastic , sort them, wash, crush, dry and melting into hair combs, coat hooks and wall tiles. We use mannual shredder and electrified injection machine for the process. Not all plastic are recycled due to capacity of our mannual shredder. Our expectations are to recycle every plastic by electrified shredder.
LUDEG is sending thanks to all who are actively or passively engaged in our organisation and our projects.